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// Projects I've Done

almost All of it

$projects = [

"Peyvand Communication" => [ "Date" => "March 2021", "Team" => "PeyvandTel", "Description" => " Payvand Tel, VOIP-based communication network operator and consultant, provider of proprietary call center software with personalization capability of product based on clients needs." ],

"ProWalpaper" => [ "Date" => "March 2021", "Team" => "", "Description" => " A Panel with Laravel for managing wallpapers and images that have been sent by users, so they can be shown in the application. The Website is containing Rest API, specifically for the Android Application.", ],

"Sarvfal - Arina Team" => [ "Date" => "March 2021", "Team" => "Arina Team", "Description" => "Sarvfal website is a entertainment website for diffrent types of omens, This website is developed by Laravel Freamework and it's data is generated automatically by Cron jobs. The data of this website is being updated by three diffrent Python based Bots.", ],

"Installment Module - RondNumber" => [ "Date" => "February 2021", "Team" => "", "Description" => "Installment Module for Rondnumber Panel that adds the capability of selling SIM cards with instalment paying type along with other availabe types. The module uses prebuild database for getting lot's of items and avoid copying and regenerating existed data. This Module is written in Laravel and uses Axios.", ],

"Alokomak - Alokomak" => [ "Date" => "February 2021", "Team" => "Dr.Code", "Description" => "Laravel based website that connects with a VOIP system for customers who have issue with their computer or smart phone, they can call to the specefied number, only with phone numbers (home or mobile) that they have registered using their panel. The customer has a credit that he can charge it using online payment, and use that credit on when he calls.", ],

"IranProvinces" => [ Public Package "Date" => "February 2021", "Team" => "", "Description" => "This package provides iran provinces and cities tables, for Laravel projects. Check Repo", ],

" Schedule Android Application " => [ "Date" => "January 20201", "Team" => "", "Description" => "Android Application written in Java and the Server side written in Laravel. The app is used for making tasks in diffrent dates and managing them.", ],

" Laboratory management system - Tikdent " => [ "Date" => "October 2020", "Team" => "Dr.Code", "Description" => "Module for controlling materials order to third-party laboratories. that cause : Improve financial management added additional Detail to users factor", ],

" Sms Panel - Kavir Co " => [ "Date" => "November 2020", "Team" => "Arina", "Description" => "Panel for automation of sending sms of events based on main website user actions. Admin also can create customize events and send sms messages in customizable time intervals", ],

" Online Test Platform - QuizPro " => [ "Date" => "October 2020", "Team" => "Arina", "Description" => "A Platform for teachers to create Test from the questions in database and themselves, in 7 diffrent types and share the URL to students so they can take the exam. The scores are generated by website.", ],

" Warehouse management system - Tikdent " => [ "Date" => "September 2020", "Team" => "Dr.Code", "Description" => "show full history of increasing or decreasing amount of products in warehouse so that admin can control the way that products are used, that cause reducing misuse of products in clinics.", ],

" Customers Club - Aryaps " => [ "Date" => "June 2020", "Team" => "Arina", "Description" => "Platform for Mechanics that buys products of Arya Trading company and sends the barcode that we produced and has been labeled on the products, users can join Arya club and gain points with barcodes, afterward they can use the points to purchase gifts.", ],

" Telegam Bot - Aryaps " => [ "Date" => "June 2020", "Team" => "Arina", "Description" => "Telegram Bot For aryaps.com website with full features of an e-commerce platform.", ],

"Simple Scraper bot - Myself" => [ "Date" => "May 2020", "Team" => "", "Description" => "Simple Scraper bot with Python for extracting & analysing data.", ],

" Real Estate - Kavir Co " => [ "Date" => "May 2020", "Team" => "Arina", "Description" => "Panel written in Laravel for Personal Real Estate managment", ],

" MFT - Tehran Institute Of Thechnology " => [ "Date" => "April 2020", "Team" => "Arina", "Description" => "Website and panel written in Laravel, for the institute to manage student registrations and control classes.", ],

" Sms panel - Kavir Co " => [ "Date" => "February 2020", "Team" => "Arina", "Description" => "Panel for managing contacts and Text Messages, and sending them at different time intervals (one-time, daily, monthly, annually)", ],

" QuizPro - QuizPro " => [ "Date" => "January 2020", "Team" => "Arina", "Description" => "Platform for teachers to make Tests from questions in 12 diffrent types, from database and export it as PDF or Microsoft Word file.", ],

" Online Car Parts Store - Aryaps " => [ "Date" => "August 2019", "Team" => "Arina", "Description" => "e-commerce website to sell car parts & for Financial management panel for admins and super admin", ],

" airex v2 - Airex " => [ "Date" => "July 2019", "Team" => "Arina", "Description" => "Platform to manage process of selling products & automate workflow of company", ],

" airex v1 - Airex " => [ "Date" => "July 2017", "Team" => "Heyzha", "Description" => "A Website for introducing company products", ],
